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Fill Your Tag, Fill Your Freezer! Deer Season is Here.

Deer hunters wait all year long for the magical weeks when big bucks are on the move during daylight and making mistakes that leave them killable. Follow these tips to take advantage of this special time and notch your tag on Mr. November.

Hit the Travel Corridors

In the early part of the rut, set up along travel corridors where bucks are cruising in search of does, when many still aren’t in estrous yet. Downwind from a scrape between bedding and food will be a prime spot.

Make Some Noise

When the peak rut hits, break out the rattle bag and grunt tube. Don’t be afraid to cold call in hopes of drawing in a fired up buck nearby. Being vocal this time of year is one of the best days to make something happen out of nowhere.

Stay All Day

As the rut breaks open and you’re seeing plenty of action, don’t be afraid to opt for all-day sits. While first and last light are typically the best times to be in the woods, even the wariest bucks can be on foot midday during the rut. 

Take the Road Not Taken

Hunting pressure typically picks up in November, especially when gun seasons start. Be prepared to travel farther to get away from other hunters and the heavy pressure.

Dominate Archery Season: Tips and Tricks for Making the Most of Your Fall

Heading into the field with a bow in hand this fall? Remember these tips for a successful archery season.

Gear Up

A quick, ethical archery kill depends on a dialed-in rig you can confidently, accurately shoot. Before you hit the woods, ensure your bow is in top shape, all accessories and components are secure, and you’ve practiced plenty to consistently hit 10-rings. Ensure your other gear — including camo, boots, calls, harness, and optics — is organized and ready to go whenever the perfect front rolls in. Even though early archery seasons are typically balmy, be prepared to bring out the cold-weather apparel or rain gear.

Go Stealth

One of the best parts about bowhunting is the close encounters with bucks crossing yards below your stand. But to get and keep deer in such close proximity without giving yourself away, you need to prevent them from catching your scent. After each sit, gently wash our clothing with unscented detergent or freshen it up using an ozone generator. Take a scent-free shower and apply a scent-killing spray before you walk into the woods. But most importantly, remember to play the wind and only hunt a stand when conditions are right.

Make Some Noise

Your setup should be dead silent, but deer aren’t. So don’t be afraid to blind call occasionally when things are slow or draw a distant buck in with a couple grunts. Bleats can be effective too, and the snort-wheeze has been known to fire up dominant bucks in the peak rut too. When bucks are in the seeking phase, tickling the antlers can bring a buck right into bow range.

Switch it Up

Although you probably have your ol’ reliable ambush sites, don’t be afraid to change up your strategy as the season progresses. In early archery season, targeting the travel routes deer take to food or water sources is a solid bet. When the peak rut approaches, you can move in on bedding areas. During the late season, hit remaining food sources, as bucks try to recover from a grueling breeding period.

The Ultimate Guide to Prepping for Success this Hunting Season

As we head into hunting season, follow these tips to ensure you’re prepared for success this fall.

Get Dialed In

If you haven’t already, get your bow or gun in top condition and dialed in for the ultimate accuracy. Wrap up any accessories changes or tweaks to your setup then hit target practice hard for the next few weeks. Aim for daily practice and shoot in the same scenarios you hunt, whether that’s seated in a blind or elevated in a treestand.

Continue Scouting

Your boots-on-the-ground work should have started months ago, but you should continue to scout your hunting areas heading into hunting season. Glass fields, check your trail cams, look for sign, and take advantage of scouting apps to zero in on the best ambush sites this fall.

Refine Your Setups

Make sure any treestands are still in safe functioning condition, complete with a lineman’s rope and bow rope. Clean up shooting lanes for clear shots and be sure you have multiple entry and exit route options to each stand, depending on conditions.

Back to Class – Ebikes on College Campus

Looking for an economical way to get around campus this fall? Here’s why you should add a new e-bike to your back-to-school shopping list.


Most college students are surviving on a shoestring budget, so shelling thousands out for gas and car repairs each year just isn’t realistic. With minimal maintenance and no trips to the gas station required, e-bikes are much more cost-efficient. You’ll also avoid costly parking passes since you can usually park e-bikes wherever bicycles are permitted.


Overslept and have to make it across a huge campus for your 8 a.m. in 5 minutes? With top speeds up to 30 mph, an e-bike can get you to class quickly, regardless of rough weather conditions or uphill routes. You’ll save valuable study time and get some extra shut-eye each morning.


Most college students are more aware of their environmental impact than generations before them. While cars can contribute to pollution and generate emissions, e-bikes are much more environmentally friendly and can travel up to 50 miles on a charge.

Summer Scouting Tips: Getting Around Quietly

Stealth isn’t just important during hunting season — it’s critical during your summer scouting sessions, too! Take advantage of your e-bike’s quiet performance during the offseason with these tips.

Sneak in the Trail Cams

Minimize disturbance to hunting spots by riding your e-bike deep into the woods to hang trail cameras along deer travel routes and food sources. Use cellular cameras so you can take inventory of bucks in the area over the next few months without repeatedly trudging through these ambush areas and alerting deer.

Get High to Glass

Gather intel by riding your e-bike up the mountain to great vantage points where you can scan fields and other high-traffic areas for deer on the move. Set up with your binos or spotting scope and spend the last couple hours of daylight studying the number of deer, where they come from, which direction they travel, and where you might be able to ambush one come fall.

Log Miles for Less Pressure

Nothing beats boots on the ground when it comes to scouting, but trekking several miles into the woods in the summer heat can be brutal. Use your e-bike to quickly and quietly reach low-pressure areas that other hunters won’t travel to. Search for sign and log potential treestand sites on a mapping app so you can return later.

Pedal Power: Surprising Benefits of E-Biking

Riding an e-bike can help get you farther faster, but it can also offer some key health benefits.

Low-Impact Cardio Exercise

Pedaling an e-bike on the trail can get your blood pumping for a healthy workout that’s easy on the knees and beneficial to the heart and lungs. You can tailor the exercise to your fitness level, pedaling faster or pushing uphill without pedal assist for a more intense ride. Regular cycling — and the healthy weight that often comes with it — can build your endurance and reduce your risk of developing serious health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Healthy Dose of Vitamin D

Gym workouts are great, but nothing beats the benefits of a sweat session outdoors. It’s easy to get your daily dose of vitamin D with an e-bike ride deep into the backcountry on a scouting mission or around town to check off the chore list. Vitamin D is critical to bone health, and natural sunlight is the best way to soak up this essential. Just 30 minutes of sunshine a day could make a major impact on your health.

Brain & Mood Boost

Outdoor exercise like e-biking on a scenic trail can help minimize stress, boosting your mood and long-term mental health. Getting outside and moving can immediately help the intensity of a busy day melt away, but doing so a few times a week can also reduce the risk of developing neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s or dementia as you age.

Better Sleep

When you’re getting in regular exercise and de-stressing, you’ll typically fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer, leaving you well-rested and energized for the following day’s activities. If you struggle with insomnia or frequent wake-ups in the middle of the night, take your e-bike out for a ride to transform your sleep! 

Take Aim: Time for Turkeys

E-bikes aren’t just built to help big game hunters reach the backcountry in search of bulls and bucks — they’re also useful tools for spring gobbler season. Here’s how and why to take advantage of e-bike technology to notch your tag on a longbeard.

Stay Stealthy

Wild turkeys have impeccable eyesight, and their hearing is impressive too. So big, bold UTVs or noisy steps through the turkey woods won’t help you get the job done. But a streamlined e-bike finished in camo will quickly and quietly get you where you need to go so you can set up before birds strut in.

Cover Ground

To consistently tag turkeys, especially on pressured public land, you have to go where other hunters won’t. But covering miles before sunrise means setting your alarm for the middle of the night and logging some serious legwork in dark conditions. An e-bike can save you some valuable shuteye and get you past other hunters in a matter of minutes. Hear a gobble on the opposite ridge mid-morning? Quickly move in on that tom with speeds up to 30 mph.

Gear Up

Loading up your turkey vest with several calls, enough food and water for the day, and a pair of decoys can weigh you down and leave you sweated as you run and gun. But an e-bike can help lighten the load with storage options and quicker, easier treks. You won’t have to leave any gear behind.

Find the Roost

If you’re not having luck calling in longbeards during the morning, head out in the evening to roost your next target. An e-bike will help you explore new areas and quickly slip out when an interested tom starts heading your way. Pin your location and ride back to the hot spot the next morning. 

Top 5 Places To Take Your E-Bike

Planning your next vacation? Load up your e-bike and hit the road for these top riding destinations from coast to coast.

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Cruise along the 20-mile North Pathway, located in the scenic Jackson Hole valley. As you ride from the National Elk Refuge to Jenny Lake Visitor Center, you’ll likely spot a variety of wildlife with the Grand Tetons as your backdrop. Whether you like to power through or pedal, the paved trail offers a smooth ride and some of the best views around.

Everglades National Park, Florida

The Shark Valley Tram Trail runs nearly 16 through Everglades National Park past marshes, wildflowers, and wildlife. The multi-use route is paved and flat, but it can be intense when humidity and temperatures are high. Be on the lookout for gators as you stop for lunch at one of the many picnic tables along the way.

Columbia River Gorge, Oregon

Located just a few minutes east of Portland, the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area offers miles of peaceful riding past waterfalls and swimming holes. Hop on your e-bike and you can also head across the Bridge of the Gods and downtown for food and shopping.

Monterey, California

An 18-mile rail trail, the Monterey Bay Coastal Recreation Trail starts at beautiful Pacific Grove and finishes in Castroville, California. You’ll pedal past stunning ocean views, a retired military base, and maybe even some sea otters! Roundtrip, the 36 miles are much easier with some e-bike power behind you.

Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Hit the coast for 10.7 miles of smooth riding with ocean views. The Shining Sea Bikeway winds past a variety of waterways and through a picturesque forest, then finishes with a look at the Atlantic Ocean. You can take a swim at the protected beach or continue onto quaint Cape Cod communities ahead.

Be sure to check local regulations before hitting the trail with your e-bike.